Join Olive Travers for ‘The Art of Conscious Writing’ Workshop

Join Olive Travers for an experiential writing workshop in the beautiful and inspirational setting of the Longford Demesne Woods in Beltra, Co. Sligo, on August 13th, and help raise funds for a centre for children with disabilities in India. Read on for more info, then sign up quickly as this sounds like a wonderful experience for both new and established writers.

Olive Travers“The Art of Observation” is the first in a series of “Writers in the Woods” workshops which will be held in the grounds of Longford Demesne in Beltra, Co. Sligo. Taking place  on August 13th, the first workshop will be facilitated by writer and Clinical Psychologist Olive Travers.

Awareness through observation is an aspect of “Conscious Writing”, a new holistic approach grounded in cutting edge scientific research. It draws on age-old wisdom and unifies the fields of mindfulness psychology and neuroscience. The aim of the workshop is to enable writers to bring their authentic selves to the desk and allow them to write from the deepest place within so as to realise full creative potential.

Writers will be introduced to the seven core principles that are the gateways to the “conscious” in conscious writing. There is a close connection between spirituality and creativity. Becoming and remaining conscious is a primary focus of all the major spiritual traditions. In spite of their differences these traditions point in the same direction and their seven core principles of   Presence, Alignment, Authenticity, Balance, Simplicity, Intuition and Connection also support writers to open and deepen their conscious awareness. These principles can be applied to any and all types of writing. Creativity is so much more than just something we do. It is a state of being that adds colour, depth and richness to everyday life. “All things are ready if our mind be so,” wrote Shakespeare in Henry V. With conscious writing we ready the mind with an initial inner focus that enables us to write from the level of our true self and the mystery beyond to bypass the fears and anxieties of everyday self. It is the recognition that what we write is the 10% visible tip of a vast iceberg only made possible by the 90% that is unseen. Conscious writing explores these “invisibilities” in search of our true authentic voices and clarity about our core message.

The five core practices of Conscious Writing are;

  • Cultivating Awareness
  • Spending time in Nature
  • Conscious movement
  • Nurturing Creativity
  • Journal Writing

This experiential workshop will explore each of these core practices with an emphasis on sharpening the pencils of our five senses so that we can appreciate the richness of life around and within us. Participants will have access to the natural world of over 9 hectares of a magical privately owned ancient woodland. There are also paths through wild meadows surrounding a ring  fort and fulacht fia.The venue is a winner of the RDS Forest Service Bio-Diverse Forestry/woodlands award.


To Book or for further information please contact Eoghan Timoney at [email protected]  or alternatively telephone 00353867358044



McCutchen Julia,(2015) Conscious Writing.  Hay House.

Lappin Linda, (2015) The Soul of Place.Travellers Tales.

Frith Chris,(2007) Making up the mind. Wiley Blackwell.