Sunday 18 March is the concluding performance of the festival and Prosperous Dramatic Society will present ‘Sylvia’ by A R Gurney. It is a smart, playful, sophisticated and occasionally gritty comedy about relationships, nature and growing older. A lovable dog changes the lives of a middle-aged couple who have entered the empty nest time of life and have moved to Manhattan after twenty years in the suburbs. Greg is dissatisfied with his job but Kate is excited about her new teaching opportunities and new-found freedom. Sylvia challenges everything and everyone in the relationship. Prosperous Dramatic Society first won the 1 Act Open All Ireland finals in 1995 with ‘Faint Voice’ by John MacKenna. They won the 1 Act All Ireland finals in 2012 with ‘Bobby Gould in Hell’ by David Marmet and again in 2012 with Neil LaBute’s ‘Lovely Head’. They were invited to perform ‘Bobby Gould in Hell’ at the Mondial du Theatre in Monaco. They won the Ulster Champions title in 2013 and 2014 with Edward Albee’s ‘The Goat or Who is Sylvia’ and Marc Camoletti’s ‘Boeing Boeing’. In 2016 they came third in the All Ireland Finals with ‘One Man, Two Guv’nors’ and were awarded the Abbey Theatre Award in the All Ireland Finals in 2017 with ‘The Play about the Baby’.