The 65th Ballyshannon Drama Festival will open with ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ written by Jeffrey Hatcher and Mitch Albom, based on the novel of the same name by Albom. The show is produced by the long established Backburners theatre group from Newtownstewart, featuring our very own Paddy Campbell, making a very welcome return to the Abbey stage.
‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ is the autobiographical story of Mitch Albom, an accomplished journalist driven solely by his career, and Morrie Schwartz, his former college professor. Sixteen years after graduation, Mitch happens to catch Morrie’s appearance on a television news programme and learns that his old professor is battling Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Mitch is reunited with Morrie, and what starts as a simple visit turns into a weekly pilgrimage and a last class in the meaning of life.
It is a heartwarming exploration of friendship and life. It will make you cry, think, feel but above all it will make you laugh.
Morrie – Seamus Mc Nabb
Mitch – Paddy Campbell
Director – Frank Mc Gillion
Lighting – Justin Doherty
Sound – Dessie Mc Glone
Stage Manager – Philomena Daly
Set Design – Aidan Mc Gillion
‘Tuesdays with Morrie’, the Abbey Arts Centre, Ballyshannon, March 11th, 8.15pm.
Book your Season Ticket now to get access to all 9 nights of the festival for only €60.
Nightly tickets are €15/€12 for concessions.
Contact John on 0863743207 or the Abbey Arts Centre box office on 0719851375 to avoid disappointment.