A Letter from a Chair

It’s April and Ballyshannon Drama Society’s  winter sport has come to a end, but what a journey.

img_3173Our circuit play ‘The Real Thing’ by Ton Stoppard became an unreal thing, a surreal thing ,a most passionate thing but always the nicest thing shared with the best of people woven together by Friendship making our eight festival journey a memorable keepsake.
Ballyshannon  Drama Society  would like to take this opportunity to thank all the festivals and their committees for looking after us so well and making our task easier .
Thanks to all the Adjudicators who spent time encouraging and motivating us on our journey and we are so grateful for all the awards we received. We really appreciate your help so much.
Our own Ballyshannon Drama Festival was a tremendous success this year. We are lucky to have such a fantastic committee, half of which worked at home while the other half travel on circuit. We would like to thank the Abbey Arts Centre and its staff for all their help and support and also our audiences for their continued support. We couldn’t survive without you all. Honestly.
Thanks to all the groups who entertained us over the nine night run and we would like to take this opportunity to wish all the groups who qualified in the Confined (Newtownstewart, DADS) and Open (Prosperous, Bradán and Corn Mill) sections the very best of luck in the All Ireland  Finals.
Tubberrcurry are hosting the Confined Finals this week and we wish them all every success, and best wishes to all their finalists .
Best wishes to all the groups who qualified for the open finals in Athlone.
Actors they say  live between Reality and Theatre, so we hope the  Drama Gods  will always be at your side guiding you along.
To conclude I’ll share a great quote from Oscar Wilde:
“I regard the theatre as the greatest of art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.”
                                                         B.D.S.  X