
The Abbey Centre is open today and tomorrow between 2 and 4 for ticket sales. Season tickets are €60 per person, which is excellent value as this gives you access to all 9 night. Season tickets can be collected in The Abbey Centre during the festival. Tickets will also be available on the door each night.

‘Gingerbread Lady’ takes 3rd in Newtonstewart

Congratulations to cast and crew of ‘The Gingerbread Lady’ on taking 3rd place in the Newtonstewart Drama Festival. The play also received nominations for Best Costume, Best Supporting Actor for Richard Hurst, Best Actress for Rachel O’Connor and Best Director for Ann Mc Hugh. A third place win gives the group two points in the overall national competition.

New Website

Welcome to the new website for Ballyshannon Drama Society. Here you will find information about upcoming events, recent and current productions, festivals and other news…when it’s finished! It’s a work in progress so please, don’t mind the gaps. They will be filled in due course.