The 62nd Ballyshannon Drama Festival Award Winners

THE RESULTS OF THE 62nd BALLYSHANNON DRAMA FESTIVAL: Open Section: 1. Bradán Players ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’ 2. Letterkenny Music and Drama Society ‘The Chronicles of Long Kesh’ 3. Corn Mill Theatre ‘The Devil’s Ceilí‘ Best Actress: Helena Stout as Marsha in ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’ Best Actor: George Hogan as George in ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’ Best Producer: Jenny Ní Lúcáis, Bradán Players, ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’ Confined Section: 1. Phoenix Players ‘The Wood of the Whispering’ 2. Pomeroy Players ‘Portia Coughlan’ 3. DADS ‘On Such As We’ Best Actress: Mairead Eastwood as Portia Coughlan in ‘Portia Coughlan’ (Pomeroy) Best Actor: Maurice Keogh as Sanbatch in ‘The Wood of the Whispering’ (Phoenix Players)  Best Producer: Peter…

Tonight’s Play: Yellow Moon present ‘Any Given Day’ 7.30pm (Open)

Tonight’s production is ‘Any Given Day’ by Linda Mc Lean presented by Yellow Moon Theatre Group. The play centres around a vulnerable couple desperately trying to cope with the world around them and a fledgling romance that promises warmth to people left in the cold. But, as in real life, everything does not run smoothly, small decisions have devastating impacts on those least expecting it and the audience are left questioning their own responsibilities and attitudes. Curtain at 7.30 to facilitate the Awards Ceremony following the public adjudication.

Tonight’s Play: Bradán Players present ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’ (Open)

Tonight’s production is ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf’ by Edward Albee, presented by Bradán Players. first produced on Broadway in 1962, to critical acclaim. Set in America, in the living room of a house in a small New England college, Martha, daughter of the college president, unbeknownst to her husband Gerorge, a professor of history, has invited Nick & Honey, new arrivals to the college, for a late night gathering. What follows is a night of alcohol-fuelled and emotionally charged drama. This is a play in three acts with an interval. Curtain at 8.15pm.

‘Portia’ Photos in Gallery and Kiltyclogher Photos on Current Production Page

John Fallon’s photos from the seventh show in the Ballyshannon Drama Festival, ‘Portia Coughlan’ by the Pomeroy Players, are now online in the Gallery, and photos from both the performance of ‘The Gingerbread Lady’ as well as the Awards Ceremony in the Kiltyclogher Drama Festival can be seen on the Current Production page.

Tonight’s Play: Pomeroy Players present ‘Portia Coughlan’ (Confined)

Tonight’s production is ‘Portia Coughlan’ by Marina Carr, presented by the Pomeroy Players. The play is set in the Belmont valley. The stage incorporates three spaces: the living room of Portia Coughlan’s House, the bank of the Belmont river and the bar of the High Chapperal. Portia Coughlan, who is now thirty, struggles to come to terms with the death of her twin brother 15 years previously. Her family seems unable to reach her and all who touch her life are inescapably aware of her turmoil. Throughout the play her energies are seen to have been consumed by the battle she fights between reuniting with Gabriel in death and escaping his fatal hold on her life. Curtain at 8.15pm.

In Honour of Catherine Breslin

This evening, Friday March 15th, there will be a special event as part of the Drama Festival in honour of Catherine Breslin. Catherine was an active and much-loved member of the Ballyshannon Drama Society. A plaque will be unveiled in the Hall of Fame in The Abbey Centre in memory of Catherine and her involvement with the Ballyshannon Drama Society. 7.15pm.

Tonight’s Play: D.A.D.S. present ‘On Such As We’ (Confined)

Tonight’s production is ‘On Such As We’ by Billy Roche, presented by D.A.D.S. This is a heart-warming play set in a small town in southern Ireland. The rooms to let above Oweney’s barbershop offer refuge to a host of lonely hearts: a recently laid-off hotel night porter, an angry young artist, an orphan girl, a wounded old widower, a likeable bruiser and the beautiful Maeve. All of them in their various ways fall under Oweney’s loving spell. Curtain at 8.15p.m.