Ballyshannon Drama Society presents ‘A Delicate Balance’ by Edward Albee

Ballyshannon Drama Society proudly presents ‘A Delicate Balance’ by Edward Albee, in the Abbey Arts Centre on February 16th-18th, this year’s entry in the All Ireland Amateur Drama Festival circuit! First performed in New York in 1966, the play won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Play in 1967. The show focuses on Agnes and Tobias, a wealthy middle-aged couple, who have their complacency shattered when their longtime friends Harry and Edna appear at their doorstep. Claiming an encroaching, nameless “fear” has forced them from their own home, these neighbours bring a firestorm of doubt, recrimination and ultimately solace, upsetting the “delicate balance” of Agnes and Tobias’s household. ‘A Delicate Balance’ is…

Ballyshannon Drama Festival, 12th-19th March

This year’s Ballyshannon Drama Festival will take place from the 12th to the 19th of March in the Abbey Arts Centre. The programme features a wide range of plays, new and old, from many of our regular performing groups in both the Open and Confined sections. The adjudicator for this year’s festival is Alan Haslett. Date Group Play Playwright Section Sun. 12th March Ray Leonard Players The Kings of the Kilburn High Road Jimmy Murphy Confined Mon. 13th March Lifford Players When Elephants Collide Edward Flanagan Open Tues. 14th March Newtownstewart Drama Midden Morna Regan Conf. Wed. 15th March Butt Drama Circle Darkness Echoing Shaun Byrne Open Thurs 16th March Pomeroy Players The Hen Night Epiphany Jimmy Murphy Conf. Fri….

Audition: ‘A Delicate Balance’

Hello all,We are pleased to announce an Audition night for Ballyshannon Drama Society’s 2023 circuit play ‘A Delicate Balance’ by Edward Albee, to be directed by Rachel O’Connor and assisted by Carl Duggan. Venue: Abbey Arts Centre Theatre 1 Date: Tuesday 22st November at 8.30pm Characters Tobias…..playing age 60 Agnes….. playing age late 50s Claire…… playing age 50s Julia……..playing age 35 Edna and Harry…playing age similar to Tobias and Agnes. Setting: Upper middle-class America. Some experience is a big advantage as this is a circuit play. If you are interested in auditioning, drop us a text to 00447716011585