On Saturday 17 March the Bradán Players will present ‘Conservatory’ by Michael West. In the play you will hear: ‘I wasn’t throwing up. I was dying. I was very ill… And do you know what? In the middle of all that… malaise. I remember thinking “This is what it’s like to be married” But I’ll do it again.’ An elderly couple sit in a dark room in their house, doing the crossword, taking their tablets and knitting, all the while raking over a traumatic past that has all but destroyed them. Conservatory is a compelling play about loss and family which shows that happiness is not a necessary condition of togetherness. It premiered at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin in March 2014. Founded in 2005, the Bradan Players are from north Kildare and west Dublin area. They have appeared in the All Ireland One Act Finals seven times, winning on four occasions with their latest ‘Power Lunch’ by Alan Ball in Galway 2015. They have also appeared in the All Ireland Full-length Finals in Athlone on six occasions, most recently with ‘Blackbird’ by David Harrower in 2017.